Woodbridge School Art Dept Mini-Super gallery


One of the quintessential elements of our A-Level courses at Woodbridge School is to facilitate our artists, photographers, makers and designers to exhibit. We want to stop any notion that artists create in a vacuum. Part of being a successful professional in the Arts is pro-actively seeking out an audience and strategically connecting with other people for career development and camaraderie .

We already curate whole department summer exhibitions, we exhibit publicly outside school and we have a dynamic online presence. Our links with the outside world our ever growing. We challenge our cohorts to make work that is both valuable for assessment but also considers sometimes the commercial needs of an artist and maker. Complimentary enterprises such as our Visual Arts Woodbridge Live Talks (VAW Live Talks) and Woodbridge Edition prints (WE prints) run alongside this exhibition initiative.

MINI * SUPER is a miniature gallery and as such offers a different exhibition opportunity to the afore mentioned.
A-level groups are subdivided into two - four person group shows. The students then make work and curate a show. In addition to A-Level work, we use the gallery to propel the development of much younger artists in the school with select solo shows.

This is not all. In the conception of this gallery we also wanted to look outside our student body of artists. We intend to offer solo and group shows to professional artists. More on this to come later.

The gallery was designed and built by artist Ross Holden and the nomenclature, ‘MINI * SUPER’ is derived from one of his limited edition silk screen prints - rossholden.net

For gallery information and dimensions please click here.